Thursday, July 29, 2010

The real meaning of bittersweet

So, we had Chinese food this week (definitely not my favorite, unless it's from Hunan on the Falls) and, since it's not my favorite, I like to make shameless fun of the fortunes inside the fortune cookies.  I have had some really, really bad ones over the years.  However, the deep-rooted journalist in me just can't stop laughing at the huge amount of grammatical errors that make the fortunes almost incomprehensible at all.  Imagine my excitement when this week's fortune cookie really had some good news on it, though, as it sent me to where I could go to get my own personalized fortune!  A personalized fortune—could it be better?  I decided to check it out for a good laugh, but I nearly fell off my chair when I received my fortune!  I think it really IS a personalized fortune for a stickler like me, and it's like I hit the lotto jackpot with this one:  "Life to you is a full of fortune."  I have nothing left to say to that.

This made me think about another fun take I recently saw on the same crispy topic.  If you want to play a great trick on your friends, or you just like dealing and receiving insults, then these little toasties are just for you.

ThinkGeek (which is really a fun web site for those who value smart humor) offers "Cookie Misfortune Evil Fortune Cookies," described as the following:

The cookies hate you.

  • Fortunes range from rude to insulting to mean to hilarious.
  • 10 cookies in each package, each with a different fortune.
  • Packaged in a quart-sized take out box.
You could open a fortune cookie that reads "Your friends don't really like you,"  but I sure like these cookies.  I'd hardly be offended if any of you floggers want to bring in a box we can share together (along with many laughs)!

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