Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Bigger IS better

It's colossal!  Sometimes things just hit me.  Sometimes they are the most annoying things in the world.  And, like a train wreck, I just can't look away.

Apparently that's how I feel about the Big Top Cupcake.  Doesn't everyone have the need for a cupcake 25 times larger than a typical cupcake?  This is cracking me up and I can't stop going to the web site.  Maybe it's the night owl inside me who likes the occasional over-marketed, uber-hyped, steroid-laden informercial madness.

I don't know which feature I actually like the best: that it is 25 times larger (or 25% larger, according to the ad shown here) than a standard cupcake, that you can pack it full of pudding, that it is supposedly valued at $55 or that in this online ad the cupcake looks larger than the woman—as though it wouldn't fit in an oven (even in two pieces).  You better believe this man-eating cupcake would make one heck of an unforgettable party!  Wow.

I know you'll all want to order this before next year's pink tree/monumental cupcake party, so check it out before it's gone and crank the volume on the sweet video here.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Shopping for the Green

Just a few days ago was my fantastic holiday open house with "Pastries, Pinot & the Pink Tree."  I am so thrilled that so many of you were able to make it and share a drink and some good times with us.  Before I share more about the party, I have to pass along some recent work to all of you.

Since we now find ourselves at holiday shopping time, I want to make sure you check out one of my incredible clients based in Lakeland, Florida.  Kristin's company, down2earth, sells earth-friendly products and gifts (and I just love the  bri01_rainbowtagua_weboriginal.jpg
Tagua Rainbow Necklace , by the way--hint, hint).  Kristin's logo was so much fun to create with her vision and I wanted to make sure all of you get to see it as well as check out her great store at

Happy shopping!