Monday, January 26, 2009

A quick thought for Monday

I received a nice postcard today from my friends at Touché Wine & Martini Bar (my favorite bar north of Columbus). There was a terrific quote on it that I thought I would share with all of you while I post this on my Great Wall of Ideas so I can think of being there while I'm sitting in my office....but I digress.

The quote reads "Quality always trumps the lackluster." For some reason that just struck me today, I don't know exactly why, but I wanted to make sure I shared it with all of you. I think that was really a great summation of this Monday's philosophy.

Then, after that great inspiration, I turned the postcard over to find a very interesting statement. "Now Open Thursdays, Fridays & Saturdays 5 p.m. until closing." Now open until closing is what really stood out to me. Ha. I'm glad to know they're open until they close. Anyone want to meet at Touché for martini drink specials on Friday?

Friday, January 16, 2009

Show me the color

Well, it couldn't be much colder and any more blinding with the sun on the frost, snow and ice encasing northern Ohio. On such a monochromatic day, well, week, for that matter, I thought that everyone might need a little color in their day like I do. Here is a purely useless site that could mesmerize you for hours, just waiting for some text or navigation. Check out colorflip and see how long you're sucked into the vortex of page-turning excitement. And, by the way, there really are some great web colors on there.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

That's what I get for trying to be a productive citizen before coffee

It’s just 8:30 am and it’s already one of those days where I feel like I’ve been sucker-punched by advertising messages. The first hit came from a billboard I drive past every day when I go to the office. It has been slowly changing and building up to the final version that is now up and I’m trying to get some artwork on that, so I will keep you posted. I hope they will share with me so I can post it here for all of you—it really was a good use of the billboard message in many ways, so I will let you know once I have heard back.
The second hit came when I went past a bar (known for the occasional shooting, thus, no photo) and on their marquee it reads “Reality Stops Here.” Boy, does it ever. I don’t know what else I can say about that.
And the final blow came when I made a quick stop at the gas station for a bottle of fruit juice to start the day, pre-coffee. The delivery truck for a local meat packer was just parking. Sausage really is one of those things I can’t think too much about or I just couldn’t eat even the little bit that I do. However, I’m not sure I’d choose the phrase “Meat type pork” to advertise my product. Maybe that’s just me, pre-coffee. I can accept that.